Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Tomorrow I will be 12 weeks. The sickness is still here and I am pretty sure it's never going away! I am tired of feeling nauseous, exhausted, and lazy. I am feeling a bit confined...like I can't enjoy my days =( HOPEFULLY, this will start to disappear in the next week or two. And I can get back to my some-what normal routine.

On a good note, I went to Galveston with my sister and her family a few weeks ago for 5 days. And I will say, I felt relatively good while I was gone. Not sure If I just didn't have time to think about being miserable or I was just having a good week. Either way, my time spent with them was enjoyable and memorable!

My next doctors appointment in on Monday( May 10th). Hopefully we will be hearing the heartbeat. I hear that if the beat is around 140 or lower it's probably a boy. If it's higher, then it's probably a girl. But that is just an old wives tale. Makes sense though since male heart beats are generally slower than females. I guess we will know in July sometime!


Cindi said...

Like your new "do" and title!
Glad you came with us to Galveston :)