Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week 13 Update

Not much has been going on lately. I still feel the same...horrible but functional most days. I had my Prenatal Vitamins changed on my last Doctor's visit(May 10th). They are WAY smaller than the previous ones. I don't gag as much when I take them now. My blood pressure was a little high. I am on medication for it, but I only take a low dose...so, I have an appointment this Friday to go back and have it checked again.

We heard the heartbeat for the first time......158 bpm. The nurse said it sounded like "girl territory" but she wasn't sure. So we find out on July 2nd what we are having. I planned it that day because 1.) It is the Friday of a long weekend. 2.) It is Canton Weekend and if it's a girl, I am going shopping crazy. And finally 3.) There will be a ton of 4th of July Sales going on. So hopefully I will get some good deals! =)

And something I have noticed....I have to be in the "mood" to eat pretty much anything these days. But a few things that I can always eat no matter how I feel are...French Fries w/ Ketchup, Bagels with Cream Cheese, and Pickles. It may change but so far, it has been pretty consistent. But one thing I have noticed since I have become pregnant...... I don't crave sweets...hardly EVER. And if I do, it's something random like an Airhead or Laffy Taffy. I don't really want chocolate, although I have never been really big on chocolate.

That's the latest 411 on what's going on with me....I will keep ya posted!